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Applet game Template.

Copy the following to a file
called Compile it,
than place the class in the same
directory as your HTML file
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Template extends Applet implements Runnable, KeyListener

//Some variables
protected int refreshRate = 50; //how long each 'second' is in your game
protected Thread thisThread;
//This will handle our animations and general sequencing
protected Graphics offscreen;
//Allows double Buffering of painting graphics, see the paint(Graphics ) method
//for more info
protected Image offscreenImage;
int x, y;
Init is called when your applet is loaded. I start the thread here,
but you may wish to start it elsewhere. (When the user presses a start
button perhaps)
public void init()

public void startUp()

//At this point you usually want to add the buttons,
//textboxs or textfields
thisThread=new Thread(this); //initalizes our thread
thisThread.start(); //calls the run function
//these are for the moving message
System.out.println("System Started");
//A mandatory function for applets, it is responsible for painting
//graphics and pictures to the screen
//We will use a process where we paint to a canvas that is not visible,
//than when we have painted everything we need, we show that canvas to the
//user, wipe our old canvas off and start over.
//this will reduce if not remove any annoying flickering that the user might
//see. (Note this techinque is not proven, on some older machines the flickering
//is still aparent)
public void paint(Graphics g)

//wipe our old screen clean, by creating a large black rectangle on it
//Draw a message
offscreen.drawString("Hello this is a message", x,y); //Paint the Message
//Now that we are done drawing on our old canvas, we will show the
//finished image to our users.
//Another mandatory function, not sure what difference this makes but if you don't have it
//the screen flickers intermidently
public void update(Graphics g)

//public void paintCanvas(Grapics g);
//The following functions will handle the key event caller.
//The one I use the most is key up
//JDK 1.3 specific
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){} //Fully Typed Key
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){} //Key Held Down
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){} //Key released
public boolean keyPressed(Event e, int key){return true;}
public boolean keyUp(Event e, int key){return true;}
//JDK 1.0 (a little safer cause I'm old school
public boolean keyDown(Event e, int key)

System.out.println(key + " was pressed");
//Some valuable key values to know

case 1004: //UP Arrow Key
case 1007: //RIGHT Arrow Key
case 1005: //DOWN Arrow Key
case 1006: //LEFT Arrow Key
case 32://SPACE
return true;
//This will be called one time, when the thread is started
public void run()

while(! isGameOver()) //As long as the game is not over

//do some stuff here
try{thisThread.sleep(refreshRate);} //let screen catch up with the eyeballs
catch(Exception e){}
//you usually have changed the screen at this point so you may want to refresh it
public boolean isGameOver(){return false;}

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